Saturday, August 4, 2012

Biker Bitch

This tutorial was written for those with working knowledge of PSP
Supplies needed:
PSPX2 any version will work
Tube of choice :
I used Serg Graflk you can purchase from:
Scraps and the City by: HERE
  Biker Bitch PTU you can purchase from:
Scraps and the City:By Inzpired Creationz HERE
Font of choice:
Drop shadow of choice:
Let's get started:
Open a new image 600 by 600 transparent background
 Copy and paste halftone1 image resize 90%
Copy and paste frame2 image resize 80% click inside frame with magic wand
 selection modify expand by 4 copy and paste a paper of choice selection invert
 delete select none move under the frame
 In layer palette click on top layer copy and paste city scene image resize 80%
 position in middle of frame but stretch up some with pick tool
copy and paste your tube of choice resize if needed position in middle of tag
Copy and paste motorcycle1 image mirror image resize 70%
Copy and paste these elements where you like:
crates resize 50%
coctail2 resize 30%
bottle2 resize 35%
flower1 resize 45&
Copy and paste cuffs2 resize 30% than image rotate 90 degrees to the left
 position on the top star and erase part of the cuff like it is hanging from the star
Open up word art with selection tool set to freehand draw around the word biker
 copy than hit delete than click on tag copy and paste as a new layer 
position at the top left and with pick tool turn slightly to the right 
Copy and paste the word bitch position at top right side
Copy and paste any other elements if you choose
Add your name and copyright 
Save as a png

Alehandra Vanhek

Alexander McMillan

Armando Huerta

Gemini Creationz

Jay Trembly

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